Robin Williams Suicide Note Does it Exist, Are the Shocking Last Words Messages To Wife, Susan S

Robin Williams Suicide Note – Does it Exist, Are the Shocking Last Words Messages To Wife, Susan Schneider?

Robin William’s suicide note was a hot topic after the loveable star and comedian was found dead in his home in San Francisco, but it’s highly questionable whether or not the suicide note actually exists. If it does, it brings up the question – Are Robin’s shocking last words messages of paranoia, possibly fueled by his wife, Susan Schneider’s isolation of her husband in his final days and hours?

In Touch claimed that Robin Williams’ suicide note was found and accompanied by a series of messages scribbled on papers. The mag alleges a trail of notes Robin left behind revealed his rash decision to end his life. One paper simply read, “Time to go,” while another mysteriously boasted, “I’m done with that.” The media outlet even contacted a psychologist who summed up his last written words by explaining the trail “shows a person who was very impulsive.”

A contradicting coroner’s report clearly stated, “No suicide note or other indication that he planned to take his own life was found at the scene.” So, does Robin Williams’ suicide note actually exist? Was the final message left somewhere else, hidden to be found later? It wouldn’t make sense as “impulsive” as Robin’s suicide is presented.

A history of battling demons like drugs and alcohol gave fuel to the initial thoughts behind the reason why Robin Williams took his own life. The toxicology report also noted no alcohol or illicit drugs were present in his system, but prescription drugs used in his therapy were present in normal concentrations.
Robin’s wife, Susan Schneider, revealed the Oscar winner was battling depression and recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. It was also noted Robin had become “increasingly paranoid” in his final months. But, was it paranoia or genuine concern as Susan may not have been the doting and kind person she appears to be?

We covered Susan Schneider’s alleged move to push Robin’s three children out of his life. Susan allegedly orchestrated a takeover, attempting to gain control of Williams’ money and his medical decisions. Rumors state Robin’s third wife had managed to isolate the depressed actor, remove his family from his life, and pushed to control what would happen to Williams to the point of threatening to “put Robin away” in a medical facility. We know that Susan and Robin’s children despised each other as the court case battle over Robin’s property indicates.

Robin confided his wariness to a friend, according to Radar. “Robin was aware of this. And unfortunately, his health was what led him to fear that he would ultimately be under the control of someone he didn’t trust,” the friend revealed.

Williams’ suicide was a violent and angry act. Robin, dressed in black jeans and a black shirt, made a few “superficial vertical and horizontal cuts” on his left wrist, before hanging himself with a black nylon belt. Was Robin Williams’ suicide an act of rebellion and show of resentment and anger towards his wife, Susan Schneider? Is not, what was the reason for this tragic loss of a beautiful life? We may never know without a legitimate suicide note.

FameFlynet: Robin Williams, Susan Schneider
