August 6 answers you need to know

The NHL Crossover Grid for Sunday, August 6, is now out to play online. The grid for the day features yet another intriguing 3x3 grid that will test hockey fans' knowledge.

Every day, Crossover releases a new NHL grid for users. Most of the time, in the first two rows, users are tasked to complete the grid by naming players for both teams. While, sometimes, the third row replaces it with the player's stats or achievements with specific teams.

Users in today's Crossover Grid are required to complete the third row by naming goaltenders to record 20-plus wins in a single season. Meanwhile, the bottom line is quite difficult, as users are tasked to name NCAA players for specific teams.

Crossover Grid NHL answers for August 6

Here are the answers to today's grid:

Brady Tkachuk is the answer to Box 8.

Box 1: Which player has played for both the New York Islanders and the New Jersey Devils during their career?

Correct Answer: Kyle Palmieri.

Box 2: Which player has also played for both the New York Islanders and the Ottawa Senators?

Correct Answer: Jean-Gabriel Pageau.

Box 3: Name a New York Islanders goaltender to record 20-plus wins in a single season.

Correct Answer: Robin Lehner.

Box 4: Which player has also played for both the Chicago Blackhawks and the New Jersey Devils during their career?

Correct Answer: Johnny Oduya.

Box 5: Which player has also played for both the Chicago Blackhawks and the Ottawa Senators during their career?

Correct Answer: Nikita Zaitsev.

Box 6: Name a Chicago Blackhawks goaltender to register 20-plus wins in a single season.

Correct Answer: Ed Belfour.

Box 7: Which NCAA player has played for the New Jersey Devils during their career?

Correct Answer: Luke Hughes.

Box 8: Which NCAA player has played for the Ottawa Senators during their career?

Correct Answer: Brady Tkachuk.

Box 9: Name an NCAA goaltender to register 20-plus wins in a single NHL season.

Correct Answer: Jonathan Quick.

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